30 May 2016


Andalucía (resueltos)
·         Opción A: Screen Dinosaurs
·         Opción B: Tattoos
·         opción A: Married at Eleven
·         opción B: Cash Rains Down From Skies
·         Opción A: Teenager Designs Platform to Clean Seas
·         Opción B: Hollywood’s Connections with Nazi Germany
·         Opción A: The Boyhood of Pablo Picasso
·         Opción B: The Jack the Ripper Case Finally Solved
·         Opción A: Are mobile phones dangerous
·         Opción B: The Day we met
·         Reserva A opción A: Halloween, more than an American Tradition
·         Reserva A opción B: The woman who changed the course of British Royal History
·         Reserva B opción A: The funeral
·         Reserva B opción B: History of football
·         Opción A: Hearing dogs
·         Opción B: Are bucket lists a good idea?
·         Reserva A opción A: The IG Nobel Awards honouring improbable research
·         Reserva A opción B: Time is worth more than money
·         Reserva B, opción A : Atapuerca, the great discovery
·         Reserva B, opción B: Customs and manners in foreign countries
·         Modelo 1, Opción A: The Headless Horseman
·         Modelo 1, Opción B: Seeking Therapy for Anger
·         Modelo 2, Opción A: Lie to me
·         Modelo 2, Opción B: What is the Mystery behind the Mona Lisa?
·         Modelo 3, Opción A: The Way of St. James: a Unique Experience
·         Modelo 3, Opción B: Steve Job’s Commencement Speech at Standford University
·         Modelo 4, Opción A: Immigrants
·         Modelo 4, Opción B: The Hardest Language
·         Modelo 5, Opción A: Afternoon Tea: A Very British Tradition
·         Modelo 5, Opción B: We can Thank the Human Brain for keeping our Race Alive all These Years
·         Modelo 6, Opción A: Will the Ebook Finally Replace Paper?
·         Modelo 6, Opción B: Domino’s Plans to be the First Fast Food Chain on the Moon

·         Modelo 1, Opción A: A very special postman
·         Modelo 1, Opción B: Animal Cruelty and Interpersonal Violence
·         Modelo 2, Opción B: Emerging Market Giants
·         Modelo 3, Opción A: An Original Way to Meet People
·         Modelo 3, Opción B: Eating Less Meat Could Save Lives
·         Modelo 4, Opción A: Exams Come to the Bedroom
·         Modelo 4, Opción B: The Swedish Revolution in your Home
·         Modelo 5, Opción A: German Schools to Teach Online Privacy
·         Modelo 5, Opción B: Newly-Released UFO Files
·         Modelo 6, Opción A: The Internet and Safety
·         Modelo 6, Opción B: Zara, a Spanish Success Story

·         Modelo 1, Opción A: Can Humans Control the Weather?
·         Modelo 2, Opción A: Can Africa be Saved?
·         Modelo 2, Opción B: A doctor’s vision of the future of medicine
·         Modelo 3, Opción A : Green Energy Industry asks for Government Help to Meet Targets
·         Modelo 3, Opción B: Social care for graduates: compassionate embrace

·         Modelo 4, Opción A: The Loch Ness Monster: a Famous Creature

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